My file is missing images/data. Help!

The Problem
RapidWeaver 7.1 had a bug that could cause data loss in rare cases. The problem affected some pages that store original images or files inside the RapidWeaver document. This includes the page types: Blog, Photo Album, RapidBlog, Stacks, Collage, WeaverPix, and a few others.
The bug is complicated to trigger; it happened when doing certain operations right before saving. However the results are simple:  for some pages in the file, the stored images (or blog posts, etc.) are not saved.
This bug is not inside of any YourHead software, so our knowledge about the bug is limited. However it does affect our customers, so we’ve written this to help affected users recover as quickly as possible. 
Who Was Affected
It did take a very specific set of steps to trigger the bug. It required making very specific changes to the structure of the document prior to saving and without having viewed/exported/published some pages. Potentially it could affect any RapidWeaver 7.1 user with any of the pages mentioned above. Because it took such a specific set of steps in to trigger the bug, many users did not ever experience the bug.
What to Do
Unfortunately, because the data was simply not saved in the file there is no way to repair the problem other than replacing the missing data. For images this means re-adding the originals. For blog posts this means re-entering them.
If you use Time Machine or another backup utility, now would be a good time to put it to use.  You can replace the entire file from a back up, or use a back up copy to drag in missing image stacks or whole pages.
If you do not have a backup, we recommend retrieving the content from the published pages.  This approach is less ideal, but dragging images right out of the web browser and onto your desktop can work in a pinch.
* It’s also worth mentioning that if you do not have a backup, today is the best day to start. Turn on Time Machine today. * 
The History
Sept 1, 2016
The bug remained unnoticed by everyone for a few weeks (starting from the Sep 1st RapidWeaver 7.1 release).  
Nov 1
Hints of the bug started to roll in from Stack developers. I made it my top priority to find the bug.
Nov 9
I was able to track down this bug with the help of two of the Stack developers. I reported it to Realmac with complete details of how to repeat the problem.
Nov 15
The bug was fixed and released as a 7.2 public beta 18406b. You can see the release notes here: which includes the note:
> “Fixed a super bad bug that caused data loss within the blog plugin”
Dec 21
The fix was released to all users as RapidWeaver 7.2.
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